Discover Your MBTI® Personality Type - Thinker or Feeler?

Are You a Thinker or Feeler?

If you are new to this 4 part series, click here to go back to the first post on Introversion and Extroversion.

Let's have a look at the Thinking / Feeling preference. To understand this preference from a MBTI® point of view, it is important to highlight that it is one of the mental processes. This one being a Judging process because it is all about how you come to make decisions. Keep in mind that there are no wrong or right preferences.


  • Lean towards facts and impersonal data to make decisions.

  • Step away from the problem, in order to make a logical objective decision.

  • Value an analytical and reasonable approach.

  • Weigh the pros and cons of a decision using logic.

  • Makes decisions based on principles derived from logical analysis.

  • Try to avoid personal preferences, both their own and others’.


  • Lean towards the relational and personal impact a decision will have on others.

  • Step into the problem, in order to see the problem from other people’s points of view to make a more subjective decision.

  • Value an empathetic, compassionate approach.

  • Make decisions based on what will promote the most harmony for the people involved.

  • When making a decision, others’ values and points-of-view are considered.

A Closer Look at these Preferences

Some of you may be thinking that you can do both depending on the situation and circumstances. Truth is we all have both of these preferences in us to some extent; however the MBTI® is interested in which one comes more naturally to you overall. In other words which one do you prefer, even if it is only slight? These questions may help to fine tune your preference:

  • When faced with a decision do you tend to ignore the emotional content of the problem or step into the emotional content to help make the decision?

  • When dealing with a decision that will affect others, do you focus on the facts of the situation, or the people in the situation more?

  • When others are involved, do you value the application of an overarching principle to solve a problem, or do you value solving a problem by adapting a solution that creates a maximum amount of harmony amongst the people involved?

A Step Closer to Discovering Your MBTI Type

Hopefully you have come to a decision as to whether you have a preference for thinking or feeling. If you have, then you are a step closer to discovering your MBTI  personality type. If you are still having trouble determining your preference, try observing your internal processes and what goes into your decision making processes over the next week using the above questions as a guide. Keep in mind that we are only interested in which preference you are leaning towards, even if it is only slight.

Click here to look at the final preference Judging and Perceiving. Subscribe below to be notified of all future postings. Share this post with your friends and colleagues.

For an outline of the benefits of knowing your Myers-Briggs personality type, click here for more information. We are available for face-to-face and Skype consultations. If you would like to make a booking enquiry you can email us here.

Scott Morgan is a professional Counsellor and a certified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator  practitioner.

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